Have you ever been in a car wreck? I don't recommend you try it out if you haven't. After work on Wednesday afternoon, I was in my first, and hopefully last wreck ever. I'd never even been in a fender bender before Wednesday. This one came out of nowhere -- it was loud, it was scary, and I hope it never happens again.
Here are the firsts I experienced on Wednesday:
- First car wreck (on the first car I ever purchased myself (with some help from my mom)- a short 8 months ago)
- First air bag deployment
- First trip in an ambulance
- First trip to the ER/hospital for myself
- First IV
- First blood test (plus side, I finally learned my blood type - O positive!)
- First CT Scan
- First dose of morphine
Things to be thankful for:
Luckily, I wrecked right down the road from both my Uncle Jim's work and my mom's work, so they were both there very quickly and my boss happened to be driving by right after it happened, so I was surrounded by familiar people basically the whole time. The firefighters, witnesses, police officers, and ambulance and hospital personnel were all so nice (thanks Jim for coming so quickly and staying through it all!). Also, very lucky that I drive a heavy car because it was a truck that pulled out in front of me. There were no skid marks because I never saw it coming and had no chance to do anything. A testament to the safety of my car -- the seatbelt worked, the air bag deployed, the anti-lock brakes did their job, and the front of my car took the brunt of the hit. Most importantly, I have no broken bones or extremely serious injuries -- severe whiplash (which is one of the most annoying, most uncomfortable things I've ever experienced), a sprained ankle, and bumps, bruises, and strawberries all over (from the seatbelt, hitting the driver's side window, etc.) and the other driver was not hurt.
I went to see my car for the first time today and got all of my stuff out of it. Everyone keeps saying they are pretty sure they will declare it a total loss, but I'm holding out hope. I really love my car, and don't want to have to find another one. I guess we will see. Prayers for the next steps would be appreciated for both myself and the other guy. I'm not looking forward to it :/
The damage
Poor car :(
I was planning on sharing my new bumper sticker that I just put on last Sunday!
Deep bruise on my thigh from the steering wheel -- one of many!
But a boyfriend with an awesome care package and an impromptu visit makes it better!
Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts, calls, texts, etc. Love y'all and thankful it wasn't worse for anyone! :)