First up - my sweet niece, Jade, turned 9 on March 29th. She is my second oldest niece, and such a sweet girl. We celebrated with a little shopping and a dinner at Marketplace complete with a chocolate mess (I taught her well).
The birthday girl!
Sisters enjoying a chocolate mess!
Sooo good!
My brother, the girls, and me
Youngest niece Chloe
Being silly :)
Next up - Kody turned 25 on April 2nd. Since he is still in Little Rock, I did not get to see him on his birthday, but I was able to send his presents/card via good ol' USPS. We celebrated birthday/our anniversary at a later date (to come in a later post!). Happy birthday, love!
Moving on up -- You'll need a little background: When I was about 3 months old, my mom went back to work during the day, and I started staying with a woman named Dorothey. I stayed with her just about every single weekday until I started going to school, and then she would pick me up from school, and I would stay with her until my mom got off work. Even as school activities and sports started taking up more of my time, I continued to go to Dorothey's house several days a week -- all the way through high school! She lives right next to the school, and her house was the perfect place for a quick nap, a chance to catch up on homework, or to grab a homemade meal before a game or practice!
Dorothey's first husband, Huse, died before I was born. When I was about four years old, she started "courting" a man that lived in another small town close to ours. Dorothey makes the BEST homemade sourdough bread. She would have me hang the bread on the door of this man's house and we would drive away. She ended up marrying that man, and he is the one this particular birthday is actually about. L.D. turned 90 on March 20th. (Dorothey will turn 90 in August!) His family threw him a big birthday party that we were happy to attend. L.D. and Dorothey have always been just like another set of grandparents, and I love them both so much!
My Papa Ed turned 90 on March 31st. His birthday happened to fall on Easter this year, so although we had the usual family out for Easter and to celebrate his birthday on a smaller scale, we had over 70 guests at our house the following weekend to celebrate! Friends of my grandparents came all the way from Indiana just for the weekend. It was so fun to celebrate with him, our family, and their friends. My Papa is the hardest working man I've ever known - he is a carpenter and continued working well into his 80s! He'll still climb a ladder and get on a roof if no one is looking. Love my Papa Ed and Granny Lou! :)
Wasn't he so handsome? This is Papa at about 20 years old!
We always group family birthdays that are near each other all together - we use the same cake, but sing "happy birthday" to everyone separately!
Mom collected a ton of old pictures of my Granny, Papa, friends and family from over the years and made these picture boards to display. It's so fun looking at old pictures!
These sweet people are the ones who drove all the way from Indiana just to be at Papa's party...they definitely get the "traveled the farthest" award for the day!
Isn't he the cutest?
And so are they :)
From left to right, this is L.D., Dorothey, Papa, and Granny
Such special people in my life - I cherish this picture so, so much.
I'm so lucky all my 90 year olds are still healthy and with us. Love them all so much!
Happy birthday to all these special people in my life!

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